How to make a batch virus
How to make a batch virus

how to make a batch virus

"C:\windows\notepad.exe" - the directory of the file that you want to infect. This will change the working notepad.exe to a crappy file infected.exe.

how to make a batch virus

Ren "C:\windows\notepad.exe" "infected.exe" s - means shutdown the computer, you can also use -r - this will restart he computer.

how to make a batch virus

Shutdown - a command use to begin with a shutdown execution. Now lets make a batch file that forcely shutdown a off The only solution for this memory dump is to restart your computer using the power button,restart button on your system unit. This will loop and loop infinitely, opening a bunch of command prompts, this will cause a memory dump,your computer will surely slow down. So first lets begin by constructing a batch file that will dump your memory, causing you computer to off Msg * - used to display an alert message. Now another way of displaying a message is off Pause - waits for the user to press any key before exiting. bat extension then launch it on your off - this will not display the directory. Type this code on your notepad then save it as. So let's begin by constructing a batch file, this is not a virus yet, it will just print a off swap left click and right click mouse buttons Batch is very fast, lets say that you made a batch virus that infects files.It can infect a thousand files in just 5 seconds. Batch virus is simply made using notepad/notepad++ there is no need for any special program that you need in order for you to make one.Batch file is a command that is executed by the computer line by line (just like C or java, etc.), but batch language is easier to understand than C.

How to make a batch virus